Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Thomas Blesgen
Studium der Mathematik, Physik und Informatik an der Universität Bonn, Diplom 1996
Promotion in Mathematik an der Universität Bonn, 1999
Forschungsaufenthalt an der Universität Cambridge (UK), 2004
Habilitation in Mathematik, Universität Leipzig, 2006
Forschungsaufenthalt am California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA, 2007
Vertretungs-Professur für Angewandte Mathematik an der JLU Gießen, 2009
Forschungs-Assistent am Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften, Leipzig, bis 2013
Professor für Mathematik an der TH Bingen seit Oktober 2013.
Auslandsbeauftragter für Elektrotechnik und Smart Systems Engineering.
Research interests:
* Nonlinear mechanics
* Electronic structure computations on a macroscopic scale
* Multiscale modeling
* Numerics
* Thermodynamics
* Materials Science
Mathematical methods include Partial Differential Equations, Calculus of Variations, Functional Analysis, and Geometric Measure Theory.
Einführende Vorlesungen in Angewandter Mathematik (Bachelor und Master).
Publikationen, Fachvorträge und Fachartikel
Main results:
(*) Generalized Navier-Stokes equations for two-phase flows, Physica D, (1999), PDF, see also this review.
(*) Tucker-tensor algorithm for large-scale quantum mechanical computations (with V. Gavini and P. Motamarri), PDF, Phys.Rev. B, (2016)
(*) Analysis of spectral methods for the Kohn-Sham problem (with X. Wang, K. Bhattacharya, M. Ortiz), PDF, Archive for Rat. Mech. Analysis, (2016)
(*) Continuum limits of carbon nanotube arrays (with F. Fraternali, J.R. Raney, A. Amendola and C. Daraio), PDF, Mechanics Research Communications, (2012)
Selected publications:
Due to legal issues, the following publication list often only provides the preprint version for download. This preprint version may differ significantly from the final published article.
(*) T. Blesgen, P. Neff, The Gamma limit of the simple shear problem in nonlinear Cosserat elasticity, arXiv (2023), PDF
(*) T. Blesgen, P. Neff, Simple shear in nonlinear Cosserat micropolar elasticity: Existence of minimizers, numerical simulations and occurrence of microstructure, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, Vol. 28(7), (2023), journal, PDF
(*) T. Blesgen, A. Amendola, F. Fraternali. On a modified Becker-Döring model for two-phase materials,
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Vol. 32, pp. 901-912, (2020), journal, PDF
(*) T. Blesgen, A. Amendola, Mathematical analysis of a solution method for finite-strain holonomic plasticity Cosserat materials, Meccanica, Vol. 55(4), 621-636, (2020), journal, PDF
(*) T. Blesgen, A variational model for dynamic recrystallization based on Cosserat plasticity, Composites Part B, Vol. 115, pp. 236-243, (2017), journal, PDF
(*) P. Motamarri, V. Gavini, T. Blesgen, Tucker-tensor algorithm for large-scale Kohn-Sham density functional theory calculations, Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 93, 125104, (2016), journal, PDF
(*) X. Wang, T. Blesgen, K. Bhattacharya, M. Ortiz, A variational framework for spectral approximations of Kohn-Sham density functional theory, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, Vol. 221, pp. 1035-1075, (2016), journal, PDF
(*) T. Blesgen, On rotation deformation zones for finite-strain Cosserat plasticity, Acta Mechanica, Vol. 226 (2015), pp. 2421-2434, (2015), journal, PDF
(*) T. Blesgen, Deformation patterning in three-dimensional large-strain Cosserat plasticity, Mechanics Research Communications, Vol. 62, pp. 37-43, (2014), journal, PDF
(*) T. Blesgen, A. Schlömerkemper, On the Allen-Cahn/Cahn-Hilliard system with a geometrically linear elastic energy, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh A, Vol. 144, pp. 241-266, (2014), journal, PDF
(*) T. Blesgen, I. Chenchiah, Cahn-Hilliard Equations incorporating Elasticity: Analysis and Comparison to Experiments. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, No. 2005, Vol. 371, 20120341, pp. 1-16, (2014), journal, PDF
(*) T. Blesgen, F. Fraternali, J.R. Raney, A. Amendolo, C. Daraio, Multiscale mass-spring models of carbon nanotube arrays accounting for Mullins-like behavior and permanent deformation, Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, Vol. 11(2), pp. 545-565, (2013), journal, PDF
(*) T. Blesgen, Deformation patterning in Cosserat plasticity, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol 21(3), pp. 35001-35012, (2013), journal, PDF
(*) T. Blesgen, F. Fraternali, J.R. Raney, A. Amendolo, C. Daraio, Continuum limits of bistable spring models of carbon nanotube arrays accounting for material damage, Mechanics Research Communications, Vol. 45(2012), pp. 58-63, (2012), journal, PDF
(*) T. Blesgen, V. Gavini, V. Khoromskaija, Approximation of the Electron Density of Aluminium Clusters in Tensor-Product Format, Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 231, pp. 2551-2564, (2011), journal, PDF
(*) T. Blesgen, I. Chenchiah, A generalized Cahn-Hilliard equation incorporating geometrically linear elasticity, Interfaces and Free Boundaries, Vol. 13, pp. 1-27, (2011), journal, PDF
(*) F. Fraternali, T. Blesgen, A. Amendola, C. Daraio, Multiscale mass-spring models of carbon nanotube foams, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 59, pp. 89-102, (2011), PDF
(*) P. Suryanarayana, V. Gavini, T. Blesgen, K. Bhattacharya, M. Ortiz, Non periodic finite element formulation of Kohn Sham Density functional theory, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 58, pp. 256-280, (2010), journal, PDF
(*) T. Blesgen, I. Chenchiah, A plasticity theory of solids with a macroscopic phase parameter, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Vol. 56, pp. 17-30, PDF
(*) T. Blesgen, A. Schlömerkemper, Towards diffuse interface models with a nonlinear polycrystalline elastic energy, in 'Composite Laminates: Properties, Performance and Applications', Nova Publishing, ISBN 978-1-60741-620-3, pp. 465-489, (2010), PDF
(*) T. Blesgen, The elastic properties of single crystals with microstructure and applications to diffusion induced segregation, Crystal Research and Technology, Vol. 43, pp. 905-913, (2008), journal, PDF
(*) T. Blesgen, On Reconstitutive Phase Transitions and the Jump of the Chemical Potential, Analysis (International Mathematical Journal of Analysis and its Applications), Vol. 25, pp. 125-148, (2008), journal, PDF
(*) T. Blesgen, On Diffusion Induced Segregation in time-dependent domains, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, Vol. 39(4), pp. 1260-1294, (2007), journal, PDF
(*) S. Arnrich, T. Blesgen, S. Luckhaus, A General Theory for elastic phase transitions in crystals, in: Analysis, Modeling and Simulation of Multiscale Problems, A. Mielke (ed.), Springer publishing house, pp. 179-196, (2006), journal, PDF
(*) T. Blesgen, L. Mugnai, S. Luckhaus, Discrete Free Energy Functionals for Elastic Materials with Phase Change, in Analysis, Modeling and Simulation of Multiscale Problems, A. Mielke (ed.), Springer publishing house, pp. 425-434 (2006), journal, PDF
(*) T. Blesgen, A Multiscale Approach for Quantitative Simulations of Diffusion Induced Segregation, Modelling and Simulation of Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 14, pp. 389-408, (2006), journal, PDF
(*) S. Luckhaus, T. Blesgen, The Dynamics of Transition Layers in Solids with Discontinuous Chemical Potentials, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, Vol. 29, pp. 525-536, (2006), journal, PDF
(*) T. Blesgen, U. Weikard, On the Multicomponent Allen-Cahn equation for elastically stressed solids, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 89, pp. 1-17, (2005), journal, PDF
(*) T. Blesgen, On the competition of elastic energy and surface energy in discrete numerical schemes, Advances in Computational Mathematics, Vol. 27(2), pp. 179-194, (2007), journal, PDF
(*) T. Blesgen, Two Phase Structures as Singular Limit of a One-dimensional Discrete Model,
CUBO Mathematical Journal, Vol. 7(2), pp. 69-79, journal, PDF
(*) T. Blesgen, A Revised Model for Diffusion Induced Segregation Processes, Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol. 46, pp. 022702-1 to 022702-29, (2005), journal, PDF
(*) T. Blesgen, S. Luckhaus, K. Bente, Diffusion Induced Segregation in the Case of the Ternary System Sphalerite, Chalcopyrite and Cubanite, Crystal Research and Technology, Vol. 39(11), pp. 969-979, (2004), journal, PDF
(*) T. Blesgen, U. Weikard, A Sharp Interface Model for Phase Transitions in Crystals with Linear Elasticity, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, Vol. 28, pp. 59-76, (2005), journal, PDF
(*) T. Blesgen, A Qualitative and Quantitative Mathematical Analysis of Chalcopyrite Disease within Sphalerite, habilitation thesis, University of Leipzig, (2005), PDF
(*) T. Blesgen, Existence and Uniqueness for a Model Describing Chalcopyrite Disease within Sphalerite, Communications in Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 29, pp. 523-546, (2004), journal, PDF
(*) T. Blesgen, An Improved Model for Diffusion Induced Segregation with Elasticity, Crystal Research and Technology, Vol. 37(11), pp. 1200-1207, (2002), journal, PDF
(*) T. Blesgen, S. Luckhaus, K. Bente, Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Diffusion Induced Segregation, Crystal Research and Technology, Vol 37(6), pp. 570-580, (2002), journal, PDF
(*) T. Blesgen, A Fluid Mechanical Model for Two-Phase Flows, Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, Vol. 7, pp. 403-412, (2000), journal, PDF
(*) T. Blesgen, A Generalisation of the Navier-Stokes Equations to Two-Phase Flows, Journal of Physics D (Applied Physics), Vol. 32, pp. 1119-1123, (1999), journal, PDF
(*) T. Blesgen, Eine Verallgemeinerung der Navier-Stokes-Gleichungen auf Zweiphasenströmungen, PhD thesis (in German), University of Bonn, (1997), PDF
(*) T. Blesgen, A. Rotthäuser, Phasentrennung in binären Mischungen, diploma thesis (in German), University of Bonn, (1996), PDF
* Einführung in die Variationsrechnung, Skript zur Vorlesung an der JLU Gießen, 2010. PDF
2019: Grain evolution in plastically deformed solids.
Gefördert durch Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Trimester-Programm Evolution of Interfaces.
2009 - heute: Electronic Structure computations on a macroscopic scale.
Gefördert durch Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, US National Science Foundation, PIRE Grant, AFOSR Grant.
2012 - heute: Dynamic Recrystallization, Cosserat plasticity.
Gefördert durch DFG.